Faq - Huilo Huilo



“Chile is a country of great natural attributes that often go unnoticed or are undervalued, being almost invisible or nonexistent. Our forests, mountains, watercourses and the imposing Pacific, have been key in the cultural development and thought of our native peoples, having a strong influence through history. All this is part of our natural and cultural heritage that is the basis of the country’s identity, self-esteem and sustainable development opportunity.

Throughout history, renowned naturalists such as Philippi, Gay, Marianne North, Maria Graham and Darwin among many others, toured our territory recording valuable testimonies. They marveled at the beauty and uniqueness of the species, many of them endemic, which they were describing and illustrating in beautiful pictures or travel notes. Their testimonies have been essential to know the diversity of our ecosystems and to appreciate them.

The experience of a child in contact with nature, allows him to access a surprising and dynamic world, which changes constantly, renewing himself through the cycle of life present in the seasons of the year; the magic of autumns with beautiful colors ranging from ochre yellow, orange and very deep red; clear, transparent and starry skies, changing from deep blue, through white and soft clouds to menacing grays and blacks when a storm breaks out and the silence of snowy winters followed by the rebirth of animal and plant life in forests , meadows, and mountains.

It is essential that each child develop this capacity for observation, which will allow him to know and experience for himself the events, make his own opinion of things transmitting with foundation and security the observed, developing a thought of his own. His testimony, through the story, taking notes and writing or drawing what he lived, constitutes a fundamental basis for the development of thought, imagination and his own ability to marvel at nature. While this direct experience with nature is very important, through literature, books, a fundamental tool is achieved to bring to more children the testimony of the mystery of forests, mountains and small beings that are part of ecosystems each has an essential role in the life cycle.

Not only the forest and mountains are a world to know and enchant, the native fauna is totally unknown and its shy and cryptic personality makes it even more difficult to meet with it. The adventure of immersing yourself in this world so close, but so unknown at the same time, is an inexhaustible resource of knowledge. A child’s illustration and fertile imagination bring saloon to this natural world, unraveling mysteries and valuing life in its diverse and varied forms.

The works will be testimony and creation, not only as adults, but from the children who will integrate them into their lives. Bringing children closer to this natural and magical world is an essential part of their growth and identity that will be etched into memories, adventures and indelible experiences in their mindands and, above all, in their ability to appreciate our heritage, because only what is known is can really value and care for it.” (Ivonne Reifschneider, President Huilo Huilo Foundation)

To make RBHH an icon of sustainable development worldwide, through sustainable development, based on the balance of its three foundational pillars: conservation of the Natural and Cultural Heritage; integration and development of the local community consistent with the principles of the Biological Reserve; and development of a sustainable economic activity over time: World-class Sustainable Tourism Destination

Preserve, value and disseminate the unique Natural and Cultural Heritage present in Huilo Huilo Biological Reserve; integrate the communities surrounding the development of the Reserve; develop economic activities compatible with the conservation of natural and cultural heritage; caution that the economic and community activities that are developed are sustainable and ensure the conservation and continuity of the Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Reserve in the long term; and offer the community (local, visitors and collaborators) the experience of living the forest and its magic in the intention that they know, value, preserve and disseminate the Natural and Cultural Heritage present in the Reserve.



Preserve the Natural and Cultural Heritage through a management and operation model based on the three Pillars (Community Integration, Conservation of natural and cultural heritage and sustainable economic activity) to develop a tourism destination World-class sustainable.

Huilo Huilo Biological Reserve is part of a unique and very little-explored ecosystem, corresponding to the jungle territory of Patagonia, in the southern Andes. In this territory there are areas of scientific interest and conservation worldwide. In this way, it has been established that the territory of the Region of rivers where the Huilo Huilo Biological Reserve is located is a unique destination due to three reasons: Site in the middle of the Patagonian jungle; for its unique natural heritage, with high levels of endemic species, a wide variety of habitats and unique vegetan formations.

The Valdivian Jungle Ecoregion is one of the 25 most valuable and threatened ecoregions on the planet, so it is considered globally as a hotspot in terms of biodiversity. The Reserve also has a unique Cultural Heritage, which historically begins with the passage of the Pitrén in the area and later by the establishment of the Mapuche. The villages near the Reserve have a timber origin, so the history of its people is linked to this economic activity.

The World Tourism Organization (WTO) has created a new definition of sustainable tourism, and destinations must meet:

  • Give optimal use to environmental resources that are a fundamental element of tourism development, maintaining essential ecological processes and helping to conserve natural resources and biological diversity.
  • Respect the sociocultural authenticity of host communities, preserve their architectural cultural assets and live their traditional values, and contribute to intercultural understanding and tolerance.
  • Ensure long-term viable economic activities, which provide well-distributed socio-economic benefits to all actors, including opportunities for stable employment and income and social services for communities and contribute to poverty reduction

Wood activity gave a great boost and subsistence to Neltume and Puerto Fuy since the 1940s, unfortunately this activity was transformed into an unprofitable business, starting to close the sawmills of the sector, producing great unemployment in the area.

Since 2000, a conversion and integration plan of the communities has been implemented from this activity towards tourism, now being able to find supermarkets, bakeries, hostels, cabins, camping grounds and other services, apart from handicrafts and art objects Made especially in wood. Many of these economic activities have emerged and developed under the eaves of the Huilo Huilo Biological Reserve.

The Huilo Huilo Biological Reserve strategy has been developed in four essential areas:

  • Live the experience in nature through: lotting in the middle of the forest, mythical architecture and excursions, to generate a connection between the visitor and wanting to preserve the place.
  • Disseminate the values ​​of this Patagonian Forest through: Publications, cultural routes, magical beings, festivals and dissemination centers.
  • Carry out leading Conservation Projects at an international level such as the Huemul del Sur and the Darwin Frog.
  • Achieve Community Integration so that conservation transcends future generations. These axes seek to generate a deep knowledge and identity with our Forest that allows: to know it, value it and spread it in order to conserve it.

Natural and Cultural Heritage Conservation: It is part of our mission to conserve our endemic flora and fauna, which is done through internationally recognized research and projects such as the Huemul Conservation Center and the Darwin Frog Diffusion Center. The conservation of Cultural Heritage can be seen in the preservation of various oral traditions of the territory, which are compiled in a book of prose and poetry and in another about Mapuche customs. The original cultures also have a space in the path of the Spirits where Mapuche mythology is made known through sculptures.

The integration of their communities: We actively incorporate the surrounding communities in the development of the destination, generating a significant amount of jobs in the place and training in different disciplines, also including programs with local schools, in order to improve their quality of life, thus allowing a reconversion of the people in the area and perpetuating their cultural identity. Craft workshops have allowed women to be an important part of family income. In addition, a series of microenterprises (cabins, tour operators, warehouses, restaurants, etc.) have been developed in the area that allow consolidating the tourist destination with greater depth.

The sustainable tourist activity. We promote the development of facilities and activities that allow Huilo Huilo to transcend time, through the development of a new economic activity in the area and also allows our visitors to enjoy its magic.

Huilo Huilo Foundation’s mission is “to protect and conserve the temperate rainforest, integrating the surrounding communities in order to improve their quality of life for present and future generations. With this objective, the foundation develops scientific, educational and social programs aimed at changing old paradigms, encouraging small businesses and the sustainable development of the place.

The territory of the Huilo Huilo Biological Reserve is extensive and includes approximately 100,000 hectares, which are in the communes of Panguipulli, Los Lagos and Futrono. The territory area of the Reserve is responsible for ensuring that natural resources are used in a good way, that is, obtain products and services through the sustainable use of forests, rivers and other resources, according to their potential.

Among the most important activities is the forestry activity that has historically been developed in the area, energy production, land management and perhaps the most important thing that identifies us as a Reserve, conservation.

  • 2010 GREEN SEAL: Sustainable Initiatives
  • 2011 Fedetur Sustainable Tourism Destination
  • 2012 Virgin Holiday: Responsible Tourism Award “Best conservation of wildlife and habitats”.
  • 2012 Ecotrophea: Deutsche Reiseverband (DRV), for environmental protection and social responsibility.
  • 2012 Member of Long Run Initiative: Zeitz Foundation
  • 2013 Virgin Holiday: Responsible Tourism Award- People Choice
  • 2015 National Geographics: World Legacy Awards, Natural World Conservation category.
  • 2016, 2017, 2018 Top 100 Sustainable Destinations
  • 2017 Finalist Green Latin America Awards: “Project for the reproduction and reintroduction of the Southern Huemul, an endangered species”.
  • 2018 Finalist as sustainable tourism company Fedetur

Yes, but the production of wood and other products under criteria of sustainable forest management, and according to the vision and mission of the RBHH (10,000 m3/year).

The project being carried out on the Truful River is a mini-hydroelectric that will generate less than 3 MW. This is a transit power plant, which aims to supply the entire Reserve. This is a Non-Conventional Renewable Energy project, which aims to contribute to the diversification of the national energy matrix.

Truful Pass Hydroelectric Power Plant is, with all permits and controls up to date, in a state of construction.

The project has a bocatoma, pipes that transport the water, a chimney of balance of the waters, with a machine room and a zone of return of the waters to its natural course. Much of this infrastructure will be buried. The Balancing Chimney will be completely covered with vegetation so as to alter as little as possible the landscape values ​​and not be a visual impact for those who visit the area, similar to the design that the Hotel Montaña Mágica Lodge currently has.

In the bocatoma measures will be implemented to hide them in the landscape through cobblestones and gardens. The pipe is projected underground or covered and the machine house is below the level of the natural terrain. Leaving outside an exhibition hall.

It includes a series of activities and infrastructure aimed at supporting and improving tourism and education in the area. The building of the Machine Room will be destined to be an “Educational Center” focused on the exhibition of renewable energies.

The mission of the Huilo Huilo Foundation is to protect and conserve the Temperate Humid Forest, integrating the surrounding communities in order to improve the quality of life for present and future generations. With this objective we develop scientific, educational and social programs, oriented to change old paradigms, encouraging small businesses and sustainable development of the place.

  • Huilo Huilo Trail $3.000 per person
  • La Leona Trail + Los Espíritus Trail $2,500 per person
  • Puma Trail $2,500 per person
  • There is a daily pass that includes these three jumps, plus access to the deer lookout and the Volcanoes Museum.

You can access the spa without having to stay in the hotels.

These are the rates:

The value for children half a day is $15,000 and full day is $20,000.
Adults, half day $20,000 and full day $25,000.
The half day can be taken in the morning or in the afternoon and corresponds to 6 hours of spa.
The opening hours are from 10.00 to 22.00 hours and include the following services:

  • Indoor heated pool
  • Outdoor cold pool
  • 2 Hydromassages
  • Wet sauna (for those over 15 years old)
  • Dry sauna (over 15 years old)
  • Relaxation room

In addition, there is a menu of massages and therapies for men and women.

On our website you will find accommodation for all budgets: from hotels and lodges to cabins, hostels and camping. If you are looking for alternatives outside the Reserve, Neltume and Puerto Fuy offer a variety of accommodation and food options. I would also like to tell you that it is not necessary to stay in our hotels or cabins to enjoy the excursions offered by the reserve.

Due to its natural cycle, the Fuy River, which feeds on the thaws, has dried several times in late summer, so that in autumn is eventually devoid of water. If in certain years does not fall much snow during the winter in the mountains, the rivers and lakes in the area experience a drop in level. This decrease of the flow and in parts absence of it, has allowed that this river is cleaner than others of the South of Chile. The didymo, an exogenous seaweed that destroys the aquatic ecosystem that was present years ago in the Fuy River, is now eradicated thanks to this phenomenon. The panorama of seeing the waterfall and the dry river allows us to appreciate the rock formations that exist in its bed.

It is worth visiting the Huilo Huilo waterfall without water because it allows you to appreciate the geological effect presented by its rocks. These have a volcanic origin and to see the dry jump allows to imagine the water flow and the erosion that has generated the water, that otherwise cannot be appreciated. In the river bed you can also appreciate the branches and trunks of trees that have been dragged by the course of water and have been worn with the rubbing.

Patagonia is a geographical division raised during the historical period called “discovery and conquest”. Patagonia occupies the southern tip of the South American continent, a territory of vast extension of more than 900,000 square kilometers. This triangular-shaped region extends south of the Colorado River in Argentina and from Valdivia in Chile to Tierra del Fuego. The landscape of Patagonia offers abrupt contrasts: plateaus and terraces, to the east, where the dominant vegetation is the herbaceous steppe and shrub, and the Andes to the west with lakes of glacial origin, watercourses, and dense forests. (Díaz N. and Smith-Flueck JA, 2000) It is a historical, geographic and cultural region that is divided in two: Western Patagonia and Eastern Patagonia, which have different geographic and climatic characteristics.

Other authors state that geologically the division is “in the Falla de Huincul towards the south”, which crosses the Chilean territory at the height of the Araucanía region. (Schilling et al, 2017; Zunino et al, 2012; Marchant & Rojas, 2015; Zunino et al, 2016).

The maps made during the colonial period situate the northern limit of Valdivia and some even fix them in the zone of Cauquenes, in the Seventh Region.

These antecedents establish that the Biological Reserve Huilo Huilo is to the interior of the Western Patagonia.

Huilo Huilo is located in the Patagonian jungle and not in the Patagonian pampas. The Andes Mountain Range divides both ecosystems, being the This ecosystem much more humid and with a great natural diversity. For more information I recommend reading the book “Patagonia” by Jaime Said, Editorial Patagonia Media Ltd.

The temperate rainforest is characterized by abundant rainfall throughout the year and by its more temperate summers (arriving on hot days up to 30 degrees Celsius). If you want to search for weather reports on the internet you must enter “Neltume” in the field that says “locality”.

Huilo Huilo Biological Reserve is located in an area catalogued as temperate-rainy and temperatures rarely fall below 4 degrees Celsius, however it is advisable to always be prepared for rainy days, especially if you plan to do outdoor activities. Adequate equipment can make the difference when it comes to enjoying the environment in its entirety. Comfortable trekking shoes for walking, thermal socks, waterproof windbreaker and polar coats are a good option to protect yourself from the cold and perform outdoor activities.

Find out how to get to the reservation aquí

Chile’s national currency is the peso, but there are no exchange houses in the area and the hotel does not have this service. Hotels accept credit and debit cards. It is recommended to carry cash since the nearest ATM is in the city of Panguipulli, located 56 kilometers from the reserve. In the towns of Neltume and Puerto Fuy only national currency and cash are accepted.

In the hotels the payment in dollars is allowed, however it is necessary to show valid personal documentation.

In consideration of the environment and the health of people, our hotels and facilities are 100% non-smoking, so smoking is prohibited inside the rooms and in enclosed common spaces. For smokers, you will find properly identified outdoor areas.

In the case of mobile telephony we have coverage of the companies Entel and Movistar only in some areas of our hotels. To maintain the tranquility of the environment, please keep your cell phones in silence. In the case of Internet, we have WIFI network in all common areas, which has a fixed daily cost.

In Chile the plugs are of the continental European type with two round plugs. The current is 220 Volts.

The check-in is at 15:00 hours and the check-out is at 11:00 hours, however it is possible to cancel a “late check-out” corresponding to 20% of the value charged per room.

Some of our accommodations and hiking trails have facilities for people with disabilities. You should ask about these accommodations before booking. We are working to make the vast majority of our facilities and trails accessible to people with disabilities in the near future.

You don’t pay for entering the reserve, but for each activity you want to do in it. You can see all our excursions here (Link to excursions) There are several self-guided trails in which only the entrance is cancelled, the best known are:

  • Huilo Huilo Trail 3.000 per person
  • La Leona Trail + Los Espíritus Trail 2,500 per person
  • Puma Trail 2,500 per person
  • There is a daily pass that includes these three trails, plus access to the viewpoint of the deer and the Museum of the Volcanoes that is worth 8 thousand pesos per person.
  • If you are staying in the reserve all self-guided circuits are free.