History of the reserve - Huilo Huilo

History of the Reserve

History of the Reserva

With the beginning of the Huilo - Huilo project in the region of Los Ríos, a new stage begins for this zone that is sustained in the beauty of its landscapes and the value of its flora and fauna.


Natural Reserve project development

  • At the beginning of this century, the project of a private Natural Reserve began to be developed in the area, in an extension of 60,000 hectares of Valdivian forest with natural thermal baths, unexplored lakes and direct access to the Mocho Choshuenco volcano. This proposed a new way of seeing the forest, supporting the reconversion of the villages from an exclusively timber activity, to a vision in which conservation and above all sustainability were paramount.

Start of the Huilo - Huilo project

  • With the beginning of the Huilo – Huilo project, a new stage begins for this zone that is sustained in the beauty of its landscapes, the value of its flora and fauna and specially, in its magnificent native forest that with a new look reencantó to the same inhabitants of Neltume, who are characterized by their welcoming reception and capacity of emprendimiento, managing gradually to reconvert this zone typically wood in a sustainable tourist destiny and compromised with the conservation of its habitat.

Inauguration of Hotel Montaña Mágica and birth of the Huilo Huilo Foundation

  • In the middle of this year the Hotel Montaña Mágica opens to the public, located in the middle of the forest
  • Creation of the Huilo Huilo Foundation with the mission of protecting and conserving the Temperate Humid Forest, integrating the surrounding communities in order to improve the quality of life for present and future generations.

Home Conservation and Inauguration projects Cabañas del Bosque

  • This project is started with the contribution of two copies of Huemules brought from Aysen
  • The reintroduction of the Patagonian guanaco is specified
  • Inauguration of the first “Cabañas del Bosque”

Development of Workshops with the community and creation of the Ranger Corps

  • A group of park rangers is established to protect the forest and serve as support for visitors to the Reserve
  • The Huilo Huilo Foundation successfully develops the workshops of magical beings involving artisans from the surrounding communities

Unesco declares Huilo Huilo part of the Andean Patagonian Forest Biosphere Reserve and the Hotel Nothofagus is inaugurated

  • With the aim of achieving a sustainable balance between the conservation of biological diversity, the promotion of economic development and the preservation of cultural values, Unesco declares the Huilo Huilo Biological
  • Reserve as part of the Biosphere Reserve
  • Inauguration of the Nothofagus Hotel inspired by the trees in the area

Creation of Petermann Brewery and Inauguration of Canopy Village

  • Creation of the “Petermann Brewery”, beers made directly in the Reserve with local raw material
  • Inauguration of the Canopy Village, accommodation built on trees to live an experience in direct contact with nature

Start of the Darwin Frog Conservation project

  • With the aim of being able to investigate the species and its threats, this emblematic project to protect the places and habitats of the species in the Reserve begins.

Creation of the Museum of Volcanoes "Rakin Mapu", inauguration Portal of the Deer and first Festival of Choirs

  • Creation of the “Museum of the Volcanoes” a complex construction that presents the evolution of energy and the formation of the Earth from the Big Bang
  • The first “Canto del Chucao” choir festival organized by the Huilo Huilo Foundation is held
  • Inauguration of the Los Ciervos Portal, a tourist attraction that allows you to observe the Deer and Wild Boars.

Creation of the Forest Festival, Kúmun Park and Art Festival

  • The Festival of the Forest begins, the spring carnival based on the valuation of the natural and cultural heritage present in the territory is a family party with contest of floats and costumes and a presentation of the play of the children of the renowned community and artists
  • Festival of Art and concession of the Kümun Park where wooden sculptures are exhibited

Creation of the Huilo Huilo Portal and Nawelpi Lodge Inauguration

  • The creation of the Huilo Huilo Portal is specified, a portal that starts the adventures in the forest that allows you to descend to the Huilo Huilo jump
  • Inauguration Nawelpi Logde, luxurious hotel in the middle of the forest to enjoy first hand the charms and magic of Huilo Huilo
  • In order to be able to spread information about Huemul to visitors, the “Diffusion Center” is inaugurated

Creation of the Darwin Frog Diffusion Center and Inauguration of Hotel Reino Fungi and Club Huillín

  • In order to inform visitors about the Darwin Frog and amphibians in general, the “Darwin Frog Diffusion Center” opens to teach its role on nature and how to protect them.
  • Creation of the Amancay Nursery,
  • Inauguration of the Kingdom Fungi Lodge and the Huillín Yacht Club

New timber area

  • Huilo Huilo acquires a timber area on the north shore of Lake Pirehueico of approximately 40,000 ha. with the purpose of annexing it to the territory of the Reserve, through a territorial planning plan under study.

Reintroduction of the first huemules to wildlife

  • The reintroduction to wildlife of five specimens of huemules that were born in a controlled area in the Huilo Huilo Biological Reserve, in the Los Ríos Region, is carried out. It is an unprecedented event in Chile and the world in terms of conservation of native fauna, as it allowed it to be returned to its natural environment.

Reintroduction of the first female huemul

  • The reintroduction of two specimens of huemul to wildlife is carried out, this time the first hem was reintroduced

Chilean Patagonia

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